Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Natural colours..... of the sky
Monday, June 1, 2009
Early riser
Though I have had the reasons to rise early for a good number of days in my life, like school days when my bus used to arrive at 6.30 a.m, the time when I had a strict prof. class right at the beginning of a day in college, then when I went on to do my montessori training course, later when i started working, I never really used to enjoy waking up at that hour of the day. Let me try to rephrase my last sentence, I never really found the motivation to wake up early. But today again I'm forced to wake up early as my husband has to leave for college by 7.30 am and before he does I have to make sure he eats his breakfast. And for him to eat his breakfast means I have to prepare it on time so that he gets a few mins to sit down and eat it. Anyways that not my point. My point is that though I'm still waking up early, this time I'm enjoying it. I love to wake up early and draw the curtains to see the beauty of the early morning (I have no words to describe what I see from my window.... its beauty at its best). And now I realise the advantages of being an early riser. An early riser gets to see the sun peeking through the morning fog, maybe even count those rays that touch the Earth. The early riser wakes up in time to hear all the birds making all those wonderful sounds as they too greet a new day. The squirrels hopping around, the walkers taking a walk, the rays of the sun reflecting from the terraces of the building, to be able to take in all that fresh cool air and life coming up and around, I think i just wanna go on. And just when I'm enjoying all this, the sun comes up completely, like a king descending on to his throne. I thank whoever was responsible for assigning us with this 12th floor apartment, from where I am able to enjoy being an early riser!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sequel to Sex education or traffic rules!!!
Well this is not exactly a sequel in the true sense. But the contents of this posts are definitely related to its predecessor. But before get busy reading this post of mine let me tell you the reason for this sequel. Normally directors direct a sequel wen the previous one is a huge hit at the box office. But in my case its quite the opposite!!! What i wrote in my post was misinterpreted. The reason for it could have been my way of expressing it. My apologies. So like i said my reason for coming up wit a sequel is coz it didn't turn out the way I had intended it to. But the most important thing you should know is that what you are about to read is my father's comment after having gone through my blog. So read on.... Sex education or traffic rules in my father's words!!!
I share similar views.Both are very important social sciences and they should not compete for importance. Both are essential for a harmonious life. Many people including the teachers mistake Sex edcation for teaching the details of the act of the coitus and associated drill. It is actually only a part of Biology with details of Physiology of reproduction as applicable to our normal life . It should be imparted in ajudicious way suitable to the age and maturity of mind ,needless to say the content and timing will be different for both the sexes.The traffic rules is a bigger subject and more time has to be devoted for it. It should be a full fledged subject of it's own and should be made mandatory in all classes, in a graded format,with importance equal to language arithmatic and other basic sciences. In the primary classes (upto 12years) it should deal with discriptions of the roads and how to keep it clean ,use etc( in present day to avoid the use of cell phone ,or stop at safe place to use it) should taught. In the next segment (10-16years)the rule of the road comes to the picture. It should include the scientific basis for them,only then will it be appreciated and followed. A small detail of first aid also can be added. In the Higher sec level(15-18years)We can add more of the science of road safety ,laws in the context,Insurance policies should be there. A basic life support course (B L S) should be imparted which will be very useful in the life. As long ago as 1960's - 70's Dr N P Singh had voluntarily imparte this skill to nearly 10,000 school students in Delhi and Pondicherry. In 90's The Kochi Action Forum had trained 10,000 youth volunteers in it and issued badges etc Optionally, two,three and four wheelers driving can also be given in the edcation instituitions in the vacation with some lessons on the mechanics of the vehicles. They should be shown audio visuals of the dynamics of road accidents and their impact on the human body and the property. This will certainly reduce the recklessness on the road,and allow all of us to enjoy the road safely. I have put my views and am sure is not easy task for the authorities to implement.But if there is a will it can be done, provided the imptce is recognised.There will be lot of resistance from the parents, teachers beaurocrats and a few more ,but I am sure the silver clouds will be the student community,who will whole heartedly welcome .
Long live India - Socially friendly for all
Now back to me.... This was what i had intended but expressed wrong. So i hope you agree with what my dad had to say, i.e. indirectly agree with me. So how that we know what we ought to do, lets not waste time sitting on our ***, lets comw up wit a way to make this come true!!!!
I share similar views.Both are very important social sciences and they should not compete for importance. Both are essential for a harmonious life. Many people including the teachers mistake Sex edcation for teaching the details of the act of the coitus and associated drill. It is actually only a part of Biology with details of Physiology of reproduction as applicable to our normal life . It should be imparted in ajudicious way suitable to the age and maturity of mind ,needless to say the content and timing will be different for both the sexes.The traffic rules is a bigger subject and more time has to be devoted for it. It should be a full fledged subject of it's own and should be made mandatory in all classes, in a graded format,with importance equal to language arithmatic and other basic sciences. In the primary classes (upto 12years) it should deal with discriptions of the roads and how to keep it clean ,use etc( in present day to avoid the use of cell phone ,or stop at safe place to use it) should taught. In the next segment (10-16years)the rule of the road comes to the picture. It should include the scientific basis for them,only then will it be appreciated and followed. A small detail of first aid also can be added. In the Higher sec level(15-18years)We can add more of the science of road safety ,laws in the context,Insurance policies should be there. A basic life support course (B L S) should be imparted which will be very useful in the life. As long ago as 1960's - 70's Dr N P Singh had voluntarily imparte this skill to nearly 10,000 school students in Delhi and Pondicherry. In 90's The Kochi Action Forum had trained 10,000 youth volunteers in it and issued badges etc Optionally, two,three and four wheelers driving can also be given in the edcation instituitions in the vacation with some lessons on the mechanics of the vehicles. They should be shown audio visuals of the dynamics of road accidents and their impact on the human body and the property. This will certainly reduce the recklessness on the road,and allow all of us to enjoy the road safely. I have put my views and am sure is not easy task for the authorities to implement.But if there is a will it can be done, provided the imptce is recognised.There will be lot of resistance from the parents, teachers beaurocrats and a few more ,but I am sure the silver clouds will be the student community,who will whole heartedly welcome .
Long live India - Socially friendly for all
Now back to me.... This was what i had intended but expressed wrong. So i hope you agree with what my dad had to say, i.e. indirectly agree with me. So how that we know what we ought to do, lets not waste time sitting on our ***, lets comw up wit a way to make this come true!!!!
The monsoons are here!!!
Yes, finally my fav season is almost here (the met say it should arrive in another 10 days). But its already started to pour in Bangalore and I'm totally loving it!!! I know what I'm gonna say next will sound wierd, but this season seems to bring out the best in me. Yeah I know, for most of you out there, monsoons mean being stuck at home, messy clothes if ever you decide to venture out, not many options in footwear and all that stuff. But not for me. For me monsoon is 'nature at its best'. From my 12th floor balcony, its the sight of a lifetime. To sit back and watch the clouds grow real dark, then the streaks of lightning that flash across the sky. Slowly I can see the rain coming in from far far away. I'm feeeling a little poetic right now, so I'm going to say... 'if only there was a way I could welcome it" Then when it starts to rain, I have no words to describe how it feels to be on the 12th floor. The sound of the rain drops hitting the ground, the sweet scent it brings about, the cool air, the sight far far away and now I'm running out of words. It definitely brings back a lot of memories,the times I've reached school drenched in my B'day dress ( though I used to feel bad then, I can't stay mad at my fav season for ever rite??), the cycle rides in the rain on our way to or from tutions, the rain dances i've danced with my friends in our hostel campus, the run from the auto to the college building with my best bud and roommate, the time when Gopal (now my husband) came over to my PG at 11 in the night (the time i used to reach back from work) for a chit chat in the rain, the night in Vizag when it was raining cats and dogs and we were stuck up in our room (don't u think any more beyond this point!!!) and many many more nostalgic mushy moments...... So Cheers!!! The monsoons are finally here!!!! Enjoy........
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wat’s my name??
This blog is about a boy, who was a first grader at a school, where I worked as a teacher for 8 months. Like all children, he was cute, smile as sweet as candy (now tell me is there anything sweeter than candy that I can compare his smile to?) and his hair as straight as a porcupine’s needle. He enjoyed his classes, so long as nobody asked him to spell his name. Yeah, as luck would have it his parents had named him ‘Harshamithran’. A name so long, that the letters started to dance in front of his eyes, like we all saw in the movie ‘Tare Zameen Par’. No, this boy was not dyslexic. Here he was trying to learn spellings, like bird, plant, tree etc, in his class lessons, but by default was expected to know how to spell HARSHAMITHRAN!!!! Phew, I myself take a breather every time I finish spelling that name, so can we blame that poor boy?? Harsha never could take one, because in every other class, the technique of practice was activity sheets, work sheets etc where one started by writing their name (so that the teachers can identify the work with the student). So everytime these sheets were distributed in class, it would be just minutes before I see this boy standing right next to my table. His motive??? Well all I can say is that he hoped I would help him in his mission impossible, i.e. to spell his name!!!! And I like any other teacher would tell him, “try spelling it out on your own, and I’ll correct you if you go wrong.” Thus Harsha would start this game we played everytime he had to spell his name. He always seemed confident about the first 3 - 4 letters. It was after the ‘sha’ that the trouble normally began. He would then try guessing which letter would follow. Luckily for me he knew which letters formed his name. So instead of guessing all the 26 letters, he always guessed from the 13 letters of his name!!! “r?”, ( which more or less would b pronounced like rrrrrrrr) he would ask. If I nodded a no, he would proceed to another letter until I nodded a yes. In the same fashion he would continue to guess the rest of the letters with his ‘m’ sounding more like ‘yum’, ‘a’ sounding like ‘ye’, ‘h’ like ‘hech’ and so on. Once he has finished spelling his name, the rest of the activity seemed much simpler to him. Well so that is the story of Harshamithran, for whom more than his studies, his very own name was a nightmare.
Sex education or traffic rules????
At my school, Wednesdays were a nightmare for the teachers. For it was on this day that irrespective of whether there was matter to talk about or not, we had to attend a teacher’s meeting. This meeting was always held from 2.30 – 3.30 pm when all of us are done with lunch and a cozy bed is the only place in this world which interests us. So moving on, it was one such Wednesday and all of us had gathered as usual in a room for the meeting. Like most of the staff meetings, this time too there was nothing official to discuss about. So our Principal asked our librarian to start with any topic on which all of us could give our views. Our librarian decided that that day she wanted to discuss with us about what would be the appropriate way to tell the children about homosexuals – whether or not this is a right choice. People started putting out their views, slowly the talk went on from being gay to sex education in school, then orgasm being a part of the syllabus in this sex education and so on. Talk about the grapevine!!! Anyways as all this was happening, I was sitting in my usual place, in a corner, where I was far away from the vigilant eyes of my superiors, where I was free to doze off or even to wander away in my thoughts. And this time I started wondering about what these people were discussing. Now I’m going to go on to a more serious note. Though you may feel I am drifting away from what I started I’ll eventually come back ok?? So just read on about what I have to say…
How many of you have tried driving on the streets in India?? Of those who have, how many have enjoyed it?? If it was by a show of hands, I’m sure I wouldn’t have seen a single hand go up. So why is it that though many of us love driving, we go through it, most of the times, like a punishment? To start with, probably because people don’t stick to traffic rules!! Well how can they, if they don’t know what the rules are!!! We are now living in an age where to get a license all one needs is money. Pay the guy and he gives you a license, regardless of whether you’ve sat behind the wheels of a vehicle or not. Parents try to overcome their guilt of spending too much time at work, by getting their minor wards cars, bikes and also the license to drive. So what more can we expect on our roads than a bunch of reckless driving people?? Now back at my place in the corner of the room, I started to wonder. Instead of trying to pressurize the government into bringing sex education as a part of the curriculum, isn’t traffic education a greater need of the hour?? Trying to explain to the child the need for healthy driving, then introducing traffic rules as part of the curriculum can eventually help the child to grow responsible on the roads. Right now most of you readers might have thought I’m against sex education. Well you are wrong. I’m am very much for it. But what I’ve heard is that, sex education in school talks about how it is done, the pleasure, orgasm, consequences and related topics. Now why would a teenager need such information? At this age what they need to know is about their bodies, the need to respect the opposite sex, yeah also maybe how they are a little different. Most importantly there should be someone who is willing to answer their queries without judging them. Now who would do this better than a parent?? So now I ask you what would you prefer a part of the curriculum – traffic education or sex education??? Jaago re!!!
How many of you have tried driving on the streets in India?? Of those who have, how many have enjoyed it?? If it was by a show of hands, I’m sure I wouldn’t have seen a single hand go up. So why is it that though many of us love driving, we go through it, most of the times, like a punishment? To start with, probably because people don’t stick to traffic rules!! Well how can they, if they don’t know what the rules are!!! We are now living in an age where to get a license all one needs is money. Pay the guy and he gives you a license, regardless of whether you’ve sat behind the wheels of a vehicle or not. Parents try to overcome their guilt of spending too much time at work, by getting their minor wards cars, bikes and also the license to drive. So what more can we expect on our roads than a bunch of reckless driving people?? Now back at my place in the corner of the room, I started to wonder. Instead of trying to pressurize the government into bringing sex education as a part of the curriculum, isn’t traffic education a greater need of the hour?? Trying to explain to the child the need for healthy driving, then introducing traffic rules as part of the curriculum can eventually help the child to grow responsible on the roads. Right now most of you readers might have thought I’m against sex education. Well you are wrong. I’m am very much for it. But what I’ve heard is that, sex education in school talks about how it is done, the pleasure, orgasm, consequences and related topics. Now why would a teenager need such information? At this age what they need to know is about their bodies, the need to respect the opposite sex, yeah also maybe how they are a little different. Most importantly there should be someone who is willing to answer their queries without judging them. Now who would do this better than a parent?? So now I ask you what would you prefer a part of the curriculum – traffic education or sex education??? Jaago re!!!
Sometimes you think it is high time you added another entry into your blog. But then what is that one thing which always stops us from doing so? In my case I can say for sure that it is a topic. Most times I just sit and wonder what should I write about and this wondering gets me nowhere. So today I thought I’ll write about nothing. You might be wondering why I chose this topic. Well that’s very simple. Like I said when I wonder about my next topic for my blog, what is it that pops into my head??? Nothing!!! So voila, that’s what I’m writing about now. When I say nothing, I can mean nothing as if it was an object or else just that I’m gonna write nothing. If I choose to write about the former, then I think I can ramble on for a little more while. But if I start with the latter, then I think I’ve reached my last stop (full stop to be precise). So now I am wondering what is it that I want to do??? Type in a few more words or stop it right away?? I’ll say I’m not those types who takes haste decisions so this might take a while. Or will it not??? Coz I hate to be made to wait and I wouldn’t want to do onto others what I wouldn’t want done to me. So is it time I told my decision or do I have more time? Now I feel exactly like those reality show hosts, who delay the results for God alone knows what reason. I too have no reason for holding back my decision. So here goes, I think I’ll write nothing. Well you got to stick to the topic don’t u (whoever has heard of nothing being an object)??
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