Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Natural colours..... of the sky
Monday, June 1, 2009
Early riser
Though I have had the reasons to rise early for a good number of days in my life, like school days when my bus used to arrive at 6.30 a.m, the time when I had a strict prof. class right at the beginning of a day in college, then when I went on to do my montessori training course, later when i started working, I never really used to enjoy waking up at that hour of the day. Let me try to rephrase my last sentence, I never really found the motivation to wake up early. But today again I'm forced to wake up early as my husband has to leave for college by 7.30 am and before he does I have to make sure he eats his breakfast. And for him to eat his breakfast means I have to prepare it on time so that he gets a few mins to sit down and eat it. Anyways that not my point. My point is that though I'm still waking up early, this time I'm enjoying it. I love to wake up early and draw the curtains to see the beauty of the early morning (I have no words to describe what I see from my window.... its beauty at its best). And now I realise the advantages of being an early riser. An early riser gets to see the sun peeking through the morning fog, maybe even count those rays that touch the Earth. The early riser wakes up in time to hear all the birds making all those wonderful sounds as they too greet a new day. The squirrels hopping around, the walkers taking a walk, the rays of the sun reflecting from the terraces of the building, to be able to take in all that fresh cool air and life coming up and around, I think i just wanna go on. And just when I'm enjoying all this, the sun comes up completely, like a king descending on to his throne. I thank whoever was responsible for assigning us with this 12th floor apartment, from where I am able to enjoy being an early riser!!!
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